Apple just unveiled the next major upgrade to its core software, OS X. It’s called Mountain Lion. It bringing a lot of the features its customers use ever day on iPhones and iPads over to the Mac. The general public will have to wait until summer to download the release for themselves. The developer preview version of Mountain Lion was live and available to Apple’s legions of app makers.
iCloud plays a greater role on the Mac side, syncing calendars, contacts and email across all your devices. As iCloud and the Mac evolve, Apple's vision of a unified experience across all devices is becoming clearer. Apple is offering a free copy of its newly released operating system, OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, to those who purchased a new Mac on or after June 25.
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iCloud plays a greater role on the Mac side, syncing calendars, contacts and email across all your devices. As iCloud and the Mac evolve, Apple's vision of a unified experience across all devices is becoming clearer. Apple is offering a free copy of its newly released operating system, OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, to those who purchased a new Mac on or after June 25.
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