Facebook’s f8 conference, CEO Mark Zuckerberg took the stage to unveil the next evolution of the service. He calls this feature Timeline.“It’s the heart of your Facebook experience, completely rethought from the ground up,” Zuckerberg says, noting that they’ve been working on it all year. “Timeline is the story of your life.”
What Zuckerberg showed was a beautiful new Profile that is much more visual than anything Facebook has done before.“We’re more than what we did recently,” Zuckerberg explained to the audience.It was then that Zuckerberg unveiled Timeline, the revamped version of the Facebook Profile. It’s a way to show off who you are, what you do and where you’ve been. It’s a complete design overhaul that makes a visual history of everything you’ve ever done, all the way to when you were born.
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What Zuckerberg showed was a beautiful new Profile that is much more visual than anything Facebook has done before.“We’re more than what we did recently,” Zuckerberg explained to the audience.It was then that Zuckerberg unveiled Timeline, the revamped version of the Facebook Profile. It’s a way to show off who you are, what you do and where you’ve been. It’s a complete design overhaul that makes a visual history of everything you’ve ever done, all the way to when you were born.
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