Steven Paul Jobs, the co-founder and chairman of Apple, died Wednesday at the age of 56. Apple has also put up the following website in memory. They’re asking for “thoughts, memories, and condolences” to be shared by way of this email address:
Jobs remained Chairman of the Board at the company, as well as director and an Apple employee. He recommended that company COO Tim Cook take his place as CEO. Yesterday, Cook gave his first keynote address as CEO, unveiling the new iPhone 4S.
While that device had been the focal point of Apple’s website for the past 24 hours, is now simply dedicated to Jobs, using a famous picture of him (above) that will also grace the cover of his upcoming biography by Walter Isaacson due out next month. Jobs had battled cancer, and in 2004 had an operation related to the disease. In recent years, illness had forced him to step back from his role as CEO of Apple on separate occasions. He also had a liver transplant in 2009 during one of those medical leaves.
That performance as well has his announcement that he was stepping down as CEO of Apple for the final time, led to two of my favorite posts that I’ve ever written.
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Jobs remained Chairman of the Board at the company, as well as director and an Apple employee. He recommended that company COO Tim Cook take his place as CEO. Yesterday, Cook gave his first keynote address as CEO, unveiling the new iPhone 4S.
While that device had been the focal point of Apple’s website for the past 24 hours, is now simply dedicated to Jobs, using a famous picture of him (above) that will also grace the cover of his upcoming biography by Walter Isaacson due out next month. Jobs had battled cancer, and in 2004 had an operation related to the disease. In recent years, illness had forced him to step back from his role as CEO of Apple on separate occasions. He also had a liver transplant in 2009 during one of those medical leaves.
That performance as well has his announcement that he was stepping down as CEO of Apple for the final time, led to two of my favorite posts that I’ve ever written.
Steve Jobs was 56 years old. Rest in peace, Steve.
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